Last week I saw the new Hollywood creation 'Friends with Benefits', starring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake, with some friends and we loved it. It was funny, crude and rude, all in equal measure. Justin and Mila are so hot together; their chemistry is electric and I wish I had a friend with benefits that looked like either of them. Well, maybe not with 'benefits', but I'd sure as hell love a friend that looked like either of them!
But it really got me thinking about the basis of the movie - can friends really have benefits with each other and stay friends? Sure, in theory it's easy enough. But when it actually comes down to it, is it practical and wise?
I don't think it is.
Some say sex is sex. I disagree. I can't fathom how people can have sex just for the sake of it, with no attachments, feelings or emotions. Sex is a physical act between two people and to get THAT intimate with someone, and for it to not mean anything, freaks me out. It's like saying 'I Love You' if you don't mean it - if you don't mean it, don't say it. If the sex is meaningless, don't do it.
Not only that, but is it worth jeopardizing a friendship for the sake of sex? Sex can be great, but it can be just as dangerous, especially when bought into contact with friends. How awkward would it be the morning after the night before? I couldn't face it. Then the awkwardness would begin, then the avoidance, then the 'feelings', then more avoidance, etc. It's not worth it.
Justin and Mila make it look so easy. They're friends, they're lovers, they're friends, they're lovers, they're haters, then they're full-time lovers. But, sadly, not everyone is guaranteed the fairytale ending that is given in Hollywood movies. What happens if said friends can't be together in a full-time relationship, or if the 'arrangement', as it were, means more to one than the other? There are so many complications that come with such an arrangement and I feel it could do more harm than good.
Maybe I should conduct an experiment and gain first hand experience? HA, I think I'll pass this time. But for anyone reading this post, or for anyone that has seen the movie and think it's a good idea, I really advise you to consider the repercussions.
But, overall, I absolutely LOVED the movie.
Five Stars