Monday 25 March 2013

Reinvention - let's do this!

My birthday is fast approaching and in five days I will be 22 - most definitely now classed as an adult and most definitely out in the big, bad world. *sighs* With another birthday milestone imminent  I'm determined to make my twenties as fabulous as I can, starting with a personal reinvention, ha!

I get bored very, VERY easily and my hair is something that I change way too frequently; it was just over four months ago when I was posting saying that I was embracing my dark side for the winter months! But my mantra is that hair can be dyed any colour you want and, if you don't like it, can always be changed back. I have the same mantra when it comes to cutting it; hair will always grow back! But I'm now reaching the stage when I don't really have THAT much hair left as I'm pretty much shaven all around my head, bar the left side of  my head. Thus I have come to the conclusion that I'm seriously considering changing the style of my hair as I've had the same style for WAY too long, I feel.

Now that I've decided to change my hairstyle, I've been pondering various possibilities as I'm quite limited with what I can do due to how much of my hair I choose to have shaved. I've considered growing my hair and having it "cut short" as opposed to shaving it, but it would take far too long to grow to a suitable length for that and I would have to spend months looking like a mess. No thanks. So I think I've decided on a wedge cut, AKA - the bowl cut! -DUN, DUN, DUUUUNNNNN-

I've contemplated having a full fringe cut in for a long time, as opposed to a side fringe. Getting rid of my fringe is not an option as I was blessed with a five-head when I was born. Lucky me. But I think a full wedge cut could look pretty cool if I kept my hair shaved at the back. Kinda like this...

Wedge Cut

I love the style in this image and this is the kind of style I'd go for. Love the range in layers and I love the colour, too. As from Thursday, I'm going lighter and am determined to get my hair to this colour eventually! But for now I think I'm going to opt for a light brown/blonde/ginger colour so that the darkness can be lifted and that it builds a foundation to get lighter.

If I go through with this drastic change, I'm hoping I'll love it as there's not much I can do about it once my chunk of side fringe gets cut into a full fringe, ha! Also hoping I'll love the change in colour as I believe change is good and keeps us fresh.

Will be sure to post the results!

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