I've come to the realisation that although I do find blogging fairly time-consuming, and at times I really have no motivation whatsoever to post, I do actually enjoy it when I blog on items that interest me, such as music, fashion and television. However, I've decided that I need to take my blog to a more professional level.
After browsing through various blogs, I've realised that my blog is nowhere near as professional as it could, or should, be. In terms of presentation my blog is pretty generic. I use a basic theme and customise the colours to suit me, but it doesn't reflect my interests or personality which is something a viral medium should do. I also want my posts to constitute a variety of different forms, such as a magazine article, for example. Rather than my post being a constant ramble, I want the layout to be formatted differently, but in order to do this I need photo editing software, preferably Adobe Fireworks as I have the most experience with this software. I would also LOVE to start 'vlogging' by connecting my YouTube account to my blog. The one problem I have though is I hate watching myself talk, as do most people. But I'm hoping to overcome this obstacle so that my blog operates on a multi-channel platform. In order for this to be successful, I would also need to familiarise myself with video editing software, so that's a challenge in itself.
So basically, I want to completely revamp my blog, and my list of things to do are:
- Change my entire blog theme, including colour scheme, layout and general presentation. Make more personal and reflective.
- Purchase photo editing software in order to format my blog posts more professionally.
- Start vlogging.
- Overcome the fear of the sound of my own voice.
- Post more regularly.
- Take more pride in my blog.
Keep checking back to gradually see these changes take place!