Monday, 2 January 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

And so, in what seems like the blink of an eye, 2012 is upon us. For me, the last year has gone by so quickly. I do literally feel like I've blinked and I've time-traveled into 2012. It's quite scary how fast time goes by. But before I can say hello to 2012, I feel I should reflect on 2011.

2011 was a pretty defining year for me, personally. I turned 20 back in March and I felt that is when I truly 'grew'. As strange as it sounds, even though every single year I always say I never feel any different, when I turned 20 I really did feel different. Older. Liberated. I've enjoyed being 20. In the past year I have done so much. I've finished my second year of University and begun my third and final year; in just over six months I will have completed my degree and will be looking for full-time work out in the big, bad world. I'll be considering leaving home and moving out, and perhaps too a different city. I kind of have my heart set on London; it's definitely where my future lies and I will do everything within my power to make sure I get there.

But before that I need to graduate from University with a credible degree. This past academic year for me has been an eye-opener. I feel so much more focused in what I want for a future career, and this has been developed and aided by my studies. Many of my course mates bragged about work placements and internships and, at the time, I felt worried. I had applied for many, many placements but never heard anything back from the majority and the few I did hear back from all said their placement schemes were full. But not to be disheartened, I persevered; surely there was a company out there that could offer me a work placement, but I was seriously beginning to doubt it. However, I did manage to obtain a work placement at Lander PR in London, a music public relations company that specialized in national and regional radio coverage for unsigned artists. Although it wasn't dealing with Rihanna or Jessie J, like I would have loved, I did enjoy my work placement and although it was only a two week work placement, I felt I had learnt a lot in the time I was there and it was the perfect stepping stone to give me an insight into the industry I want to work in in the future. I loved working in London, although the daily commute was a killer, but it did solidify my future ambition; to live and work in London town.

University has been an amazing experience. To reflect on how unprepared I was for the real world three years ago is laughable. I really had no idea what I wanted from life in terms of a career, and I also had no idea what I would use my degree for. Really, it was a pretty crazy situation for me to be in, and an expensive one also. But I now feel that everything has lead to where I am now. I have developed academically and emotionally; I have become so skilled at dealing with stress I swear I could be a therapist. That said, I still get overwhelmed at times and I feel like everything is a too much for me to handle. But I just have to remember that it is preparing me for (hopefully) a successful career. I keep saying that I'll look back at my University years in five years time with fond memories and I'll laugh, Hopefully.

As well as preparing for my future job, I left my current job in October. I'd been working at the same place for three years when I decided to leave. And that was a big thing for me. I'd worked with the same people for the last three years and got myself into a routine; I had familiarity and consistency. But I had reached the point where I needed to move on. There was nothing left for me to gain by staying where I was, so I wanted to leave before the situation turned sour, and that's just what I did. I now have a new job that I'm enjoying and constantly learning new things; I enjoy my job again. And also it's a lot more relevant to me as a person; I actually have an interest in what my job represents.

On a personal level, I reconnected with old friends. In 2010, I lost a really good friend of mine. I'd go as far as to say that they were my best friend at the time, and losing them sucked. But it was the best thing to happen at the time as the situation that we were in at the time couldn't be resolved. But a year on, I felt I had grown up enough to forgive and forget, and that's exactly what happened. With friendships it's inevitable that over time friendships will wither and drift apart, but a real friendship can stand the test of time, as I have found out.

In 2012 I will graduate, secure a full-time job that I have dreamt of for the past year, consider moving to pastures greener and continue to grow professionally, emotionally and personally. I have a feeling that 2012 could be my year. Fingers crossed. Happy New Year!